Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dead Armadillos Essay - 754 Words

A brave, tough, and a self-confident woman, that is who Gail White is. White claims to be a critic of the world around her and she expresses this through her poetry. In her poem â€Å"Dead Armadillos,† she points out the way the society looks at animals and how they give importance to them. Gail White was able to bring attention to the status of animals in the wild by using armadillos as a representation of them, and telling how the majority of the society gives little importance to them by using similes and giving the poem a sarcastic tone. White used similes to compare armadillos to a â€Å"blind knight† (l.9), like medieval knights, armadillos are covered in armor, a soft shell that surrounds their body as their defense mechanism, but even†¦show more content†¦But instead society waits until the situation comes to a danger stage, then society will take actions to save the armadillos, which is probably too late. In her poem she states â€Å"When we’r e down to the last half dozen, we’ll see them with the eyes of God.† (l.18-19). When the numbers of armadillos are very low, society will start to care for them like other animals which are included in the endangered species list. Society will act like they cherish the lives of the armadillos, much like we cherish the lives of our children, or another human being, society will start to see them with the â€Å"eyes of God,† like how God gives importance to us as his children and how God cares for us. White also used a sarcastic tone to her poem. The sarcastic tone of the poem adds power to the message she is trying to convey to the reader. It brings attention to the situations of not just armadillos but every wild animal that are being taken for granted. In lines 10 to 12 â€Å"No one cares. There is no Save the Armadillo Society.† Unlike other animals that are included in the endangered species list, there are no groups or people who are trying to save the armadillos, because they are not endangered yet, there are still plenty of them in the wild, their lives are not as precious as a polar bear, or a siberian tiger. In conclusion, White is trying to tellShow MoreRelatedPoem Analysis: Hedgehog Night of the Armadillo2021 Words   |  9 Pagessprouted from the constantly expanding lineage of the Mammalian family, the hedgehog and the armadillo are also separated by millions of years of evolution. The choice in animals for the poems did not fall under the laws of natural selection, they were hand selected to represent the separate, yet connected underlying messages. Paul Muldoon, author of â€Å"Hedgehog†, and Yusef Komunyakaa, author of â€Å"Night of the Armadillo†, both declare society as a negative parasitic being. 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