Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Bowler Hat Visual Culture - 1997 Words

The bowler hat has been a part of visual culture ever since it was designed and created during the reign of Queen Victoria in 1849 for Edward Coke, a British soldier and politician. Since then the bowler hat has become symbolic in visual and popular culture, being featured in books, films and logos, as well as being used within politics in order to relate to other classes, as well as bypassing gender stereotypes. These hats were originally used as head protection for gamekeepers as their previous headgear – the passing trees kept knocking off the top hat as they rode on horseback. The hat itself became popularised with almost all classes, bypassing the stereotypes that had been present beforehand, which coincidentally has occurred in the form of bypassing gender stereotypes as well. The bowler hat has become a prominent feature in films, books and logos. A notable character that wears one is Oddjob (pictured on the right) who owns a steel rimmed bowler hat that is sharp enough to decapitate a statue. This has been said to represent the idea of him resisting and throwing back the idea of oppression, fighting back and taking a stand against a higher power. â€Å"†¦Oddjob flings back at his Western adversaries the murderousness of their own culture† (Robinson, 1993). This description made by Robinson highlights the power that the hat itself resembles – it holds the power to reverse traditional roles that the hat originally represented. Likewise, in a Clockwork Orange by AnthonyShow MoreRelatedHip Hop vs Punk1052 Words   |  5 Pagesto a few varieties among Hip Hop fashion according to their respective generations and choice of self-expression through the four pillars of Hip Hop which are Bboying (dance), MC/Rap (music), DJ (music) and Graffiti Art (visual art). 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